What To Know When You Need Emergency Dentistry In Franklin, MA

by | Feb 10, 2016 | Dentist

Of course, no one plans to have a dental emergency but emergencies can unexpectedly occur, and it’s important to know what to do in case of one. It may be as simple as an exposed nerve from a loose filling causing excruciating pain, or a tooth that got knocked out in a backyard ball game leading to a rushed trip to the Alpha Dental Center for Emergency Dentistry in Franklin MA. No matter what the circumstance, it’s important to know what to do to lessen the impact of the situation until dental care can be received.

The first step in securing a dental office for Emergency Dentistry is to become established in a dental practice. Become a patient and obtain routine care at the office. This will assist in cooperation when it’s necessary to be seen immediately for an emergency. If a filling has fallen out and causing pain, pain-relieving medication may provide some relief. Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water may help to dislodge any food particles or debris irritating the nerve. As a last resort, over the counter temporary filling kits are available to seal over the opening, helping to relieve the throbbing of the nerve until dental care can be obtained.

When a tooth is knocked out, panic usually ensues. Many times, prompt dental care can allow the knocked out tooth to be re-implanted with no ill effects, if proper protocol is followed. Of course, it’s important to locate the knocked out tooth. If possible, place the tooth back into the socket, or at least in the mouth covered with saliva to keep it healthy on the way to the dentist. Do not touch the root end of the tooth and never wash it off. If it’s not possible to hold it in the patient’s mouth, if dealing with a child, it’s advised that a parent holds the tooth in their mouth until dental care is received. If the tooth can’t be held in the mouth, submerging it in milk is another acceptable alternative until receiving Emergency Dentistry in Franklin MA.

Finding a dental office that offers prompt emergency care is important, as a toothache or dental injury can be quite painful and many times, time is of the essence. Plan ahead and know what to do in case of emergency. Having a plan in place helps to put some control in the unexpected.

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