Ways Dentists in Amarillo, Texas Can Detect Anemia During an Oral Exam

by | Jan 14, 2020 | Dental Care

When your dentist performs an oral exam, he or she is not just looking for signs of gum disease and cavities, but also for signs of systemic disease. Oral examinations can raise suspicions of diabetes, strep infections, and even anemia. Here are some oral signs that dentists in Amarillo, Texas, may associate with anemia.

Oral Pallor

One of the most striking oral features of anemia is oral pallor. This means that your gums, lining of your cheeks, the floor of your mouth, and even your tongue may appear pale if you have anemia. When dentists in Amarillo, Texas, notice oral pallor, they typically refer their patients back to their primary care physicians for further evaluation.

To check for anemia, your doctor will order a complete blood count. Also known as a CBC, the complete blood count evaluates many different components of your blood, including your red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. If these levels are low, you may have anemia. Once anemia has been corrected, your oral pallor will resolve.

Gum Problems

Anemia can also cause problems with your gums such as inflammation and bleeding. When your dentist performs an examination with sharp dental probes, your gums may bleed more than usual if you are anemic. The bleeding may also be difficult to stop, however, once your anemia has been treated, anemia-related bleeding gums will resolve. It is important to note, that if you have severe gum disease, bleeding may persist, even though your anemia has been effectively treated.

To make an appointment for a dental examination, call Panhandle Dental or visit the website at Website URL.

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