The Importance of Informing a Dental Office in Kona When a Patient Has an Autoimmune Disorder

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Dentist

A patient with an autoimmune disorder must inform the Dental Office in Kona he or she chooses before any appointments for routine cleanings or dental treatments. These chronic illnesses and the medications can cause problems with oral hygiene effectiveness, mouth dryness, increased risk for tooth decay and problems swallowing. Dentists and hygienists must be aware of the disorder, the medications being taken, and any existing or potential symptoms that could develop during the appointment.

For example, Sjogren’s syndrome causes chronic dryness in the mouth. Saliva has protective effects for the teeth, and low saliva production, as well as chronic dry mouth, can result in cavities. By keeping the staff in the loop, the patient also allows them to understand why they see an increase in tooth decay and why the mouth tissue is abnormally dry. A dentist with a Dental Office in Kona may prescribe a saliva substitute that resolves the problem.

Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint pain and inflammation, and it often affects the hands. That can make it difficult for someone to brush teeth and floss effectively; patients may avoid doing these activities as often as they should. Many autoimmune disorders cause intermittent or chronic weakness that may affect the hands, which also is problematic for brushing and flossing. Multiple sclerosis and lupus are examples. A dentist such as Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. can provide recommendations on electric toothbrushes and floss holders that make oral hygiene tasks easier. Click Here for details on this particular dentist.

Inflammatory myopathy and myasthenia gravis can sometimes cause difficulty with swallowing. This is essential for the dental staff to know so they can respond quickly to cleanings and treatments if the patient develops this problem. Not being able to swallow can cause a choking sensation that is alarming for the patient, as well as for the practitioners when the patient becomes anxious and upset.

Patients should remember that dentists are medical professionals, so it should never feel embarrassing or personally invasive to disclose medical conditions on the history form. Doing so allows the dentist to confer with the patient and help this individual have better success with oral health. Visit the website  for more information.

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