Improve Your Smile With Dental Veneers in Glenview

by | Jun 27, 2024 | Cosmetic Dentist

Teeth take a terrible beating; even people who brush and floss diligently will find that over time their teeth begin to show the effects of age. Even the best oral hygiene will not eliminate getting small chips on the biting surfaces, surface imperfections, and significant discoloration from foods and beverages. The solution that many people turn to is dental veneers.

Veneers are very thin, custom-made shells that are fixed to the front of visible teeth using a very strong, long-lasting dental adhesive. Dental veneers in Glenview can be made to alter tooth color, shape, or size. Veneers can be made from porcelain or a resin compound. Porcelain veneers are longer-lasting, resist staining, and are the choice of most patients.

What problems can veneers fix?

Dental veneers are used to alter the shape and color of visible teeth. They can be used to close gaps between teeth and make minor corrections to teeth that are slightly misaligned. Veneers are often the ideal dental treatment for those who are unhappy with their looks when they smile.

How are veneers fitted?

The process of getting veneers in Glenview normally takes three visits to the dentist: the first visit is strictly for planning, the second visit is for preparation, and the final visit is when the veneers are placed on your teeth.

Planning: This is where you come in; you will be involved in the initial planning, and you will be asked to tell the dentist what your goals are when it comes to color, shape, corrections, etc. Usually, the dentist takes X-rays to ensure that your teeth are sound and do not require any restoration.

Preparation: During this phase, the dentist removes a very thin layer of enamel, no thicker than the thickness of the veneer. Once the teeth have been prepared, the dentist will make impressions, which are then given to a lab, which in turn makes the veneers. This may take a couple of weeks, so the dentist can place temporary veneers if necessary.

Fitting: This is the final phase, the one that you have been looking forward to. The veneers are bonded to the front of your teeth, and any small adjustments are made. Your dentist will want to see you again in a week or so to ensure there are no problems.

If your teeth are strong but they are discolored, chipped, cracked, or slightly misaligned, then having veneers in Glenview fitted is the ideal solution.

If you are unhappy with the condition of your teeth, veneers in Glenview may be the perfect solution for a smile makeover. You can make an appointment at Chicago Beautiful Smiles.

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